Learn More About #TeamERA
Corner Your Market
Marketing that's easy & automated

In Your Corner
Our Brand
Every detail of our brand was created thoughtfully and strategically. Our color palette is fun, bright and works well together – just like our network. Our grid design is symbolic of many things. It’s a blueprint for a community because real estate is local. It represents connectivity because that’s what our culture is about. And it represents technology, because that’s what our history is about as Electronic Realty Associates and also what our future is about.
Triangles are a design element because corners are strong and where things come together. We use corners in our messaging too. Whether it’s helping our brokers and agents “Corner Your Market” or letting consumers know that we’re “In Your Corner”, our branding and strategy carries throughout everything we do.
Branding of this caliber is a sophisticated tool that can help elevate the perception of your business. By simply accessing our branded marketing materials, you can create cohesive local marketing campaigns that are professionally crafted for your business.
Take the guesswork
out of marketing
Whenever you get a new listing, we automatically create a suite of digital marketing assets, including: a listing detail page, a video microsite, YouTube® videos, flyers and PDF postcards, TextERA short codes and more, at no additional cost to you. It’s like having your own personal marketing department. Plus you’ll also have access to beautifully designed property and agent marketing materials including listing presentations, flyers, brochures, postcards and social assets.
It’s all designed to help you save time. More time for you. Less expenditures on marketing. And a whole lot more people seeing your properties.

ERA Grizzard Real Estate
Why Choose Us?
ERA agents that have taken ERA University training have seen 30% more listings, 28% more closed units and 35% higher sales volume than those who haven’t.1
We make marketing simple. Every single listing automatically gets video, social media and print-ready client marketing, at no additional cost to you.
We’re focused on delivering the best technology platforms and high-quality lead generators – so you can focus on your business.
Across the industry, 88% of customers would happily work with their agent again, but only 18% actually do.2 That’s why we offer programs and tools to help generate more referrals and repeat business.
There’s nothing like being part of Team ERA! Nearly 80% of ERA-affiliated agents consider us to have a culture of support, mentoring and camaraderie.3
1. Results from an uncontrolled study; no guarantee that an agent will achieve same or similar results. 2. NAR Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trend Report 2019. 3. Results are from survey conducted by Wakefield Research between December 12th and 30th, 2019 among 950 real estate professionals (brokers and agents)